Art in Public Space

Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) has been working with art in public space since its foundation. Our work with art in public space is an important part of our core activities, and we offer a unique competence within the field.

Our services

Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) has been for many years the regional contact institution for KORO - Public Art Norway, the Norwegian government’s professional body for art in public spaces, Trondheim kommune and Trøndelag fylkeskommune.


TSSK provides practical advice and information to both the public, and the private sector, and aims to contribute with artistic professionalism in the management of public space and urban development.

Our work with art in public space is an important part of our core activities, and we offer a unique competence within the field. We will work towards securing artistic quality in public art projects within our region, and towards an active and critically reflecting, public conversation about art and our shared public spaces.

Professional art expertise

Using professional art expertise is a profitable investment to achieve good results.

An art consultant or art director has the task of executing a 'plan for placing art'. This is the key document during the work of carrying out an art project. The plan is also a prerequisite for funding from KORO, as the state's professional body for art in public spaces that manages decorations in state buildings, and has support schemes for municipal and county municipal projects in buildings and outdoor spaces.

The art consultant leads the art committee, which often consists of the client, architect and user representative (s) and ensures that democratic and artistic considerations are well taken care of. has a database of qualified professional consultants, artists and curators in Norway divided into regions. You may also contact us directly for recommendations.


KORO support art production in different public spaces.
More info at

KORO portal for announcements

KORO's portal for announcement and open call for assignments and art competitions for artists, kurators etc.

Tiller Atrium


Open Call at Trondheim kommune

Trondheim kommune sin portal for ledige stillinger. Her blir kunstkonsulenter eller andre kunstfaglige engasjementer lyst.

Ledige stillinger hos Trondheim kommune

Courses and seminars

Foto Trondheim kommune utsnitt web


27.09.2024: Kenneth Balfelt: Kunst i byutvikling – fra sosiale vilkår til fysisk form
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Kunstsentrenes kunstkonsulentkurs 2023/2024

Kunstkonsulenten har en nøkkelrolle som bindeledd mellom offentlige og private byggherrer, profesjonelle kunstnere, publikum og kunstverk. Kursets formål er å profesjonalisere flere konsulenter. Med dette vil kurset kunne bidra til å styrke kunstnernes inntektsmuligheter, og å sikre oppdragsgivere større tilgang på kunstfaglig kompetente konsulenter.

Dyktige konsulenter er helt vesentlige for å sikre gode prosesser i nye kunstprosjekter, og for å ivareta profesjonalitet og kvalitet i alle ledd

Med dette som bakteppe har KiN og kunstsentrene i Norge utarbeidet en kursmodell for kunstkonsulenter. I 2023/2024 arrangerte KiN for første gang et kunstkonsulentkurs i to moduler, med en nasjonal og regional del.

06. - 07.05.2023: Seminar om kunst og stedsutvikling (Arr. Kristiansund Kunsthall)
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29.08.2022: Byutviklingsverksted i trehusbyen Levanger
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05.05.2022: "Kunst i våre rom. Hva – hvorfor – hvordan?" Ålen, Holtålen Kommune
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15.09.2021: Seminar om kunst i offentlige rom i Ørland kommune.
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28.11.2019: Byutviklingsverksted: Kunst/kulturarv i Levanger kommune.
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11.09.2019: Kunst i offentlige rom (fra A til Å) i Stjørdal kommune.
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Seminar Ørlandet 2021 UTSNITT

A seminaret at Ørlandet Kultursenter September 2021.

Learning about public arts

Contact us for a collaboration in making your art projects known to the public!

DKS Minnested omvisning 2017 012

Terra Incognita - Den hvite plassen

Siden 2016 har Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst arbeidet med å utvikle kunstpedagogisk formidlingsopplegg for ungdomstrinnet på Minnestedet etter 22. juli 2011 på oppdrag av Trondheim kommune og Den kulturelle skolesekken.

Kunstsenteret gjennomfører formidling og omvisninger på Minnestedet etter 22. juli 2011 (8. - 10.trinn)

Omvisning i Akrinn NTNU 2017 035

Guided tour in Akrinn, NTNU - Campus Kalvskinnet with Reidun Bull-Hansen and Margrete Abelsen.


For more information and questions regarding our services, please contact:

Carl Martin Rosenkilde Faurby
Phone: (+47) 73 52 49 10