About Us
Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Fjordgata 11.
Established in 1976 Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) is a venue for Norwegian and Nordic contemporary art in Trondheim, and is an important social and professional meeting place for the region's artists, art scene, and audience. Our program includes solo-shows as well as group exhibitions of emerging and established artists from all artistic backgrounds.
Our program includes solo-shows as well as group exhibitions of emerging and established artists from all artistic backgrounds. The program is supplemented with engaging audiences in events like artist talks, performances, concerts, workshops, seminars, and lectures — to contextualize the featured artist’s practices. Through its affiliated artists, TSSK also has a great influence on the region's visual environment in a large number of projects related to art in public places.
Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) is a non-profit art center founded in 1976 by the artists in Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (TBK) og Norske Kunsthåndverkere Midt-Norge (NKM), with support from Trøndelag county and Trondheim municipality.
Every year, Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) in collaboration with Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (TBK), present the annual juried exhibition Trøndelagsutstillingen.
Kunstsentrene i Norge
TSSK is part of a network of 15 Art Centres i Norway, Kunstsentrene i Norge (KiN).
Artistic Board
The exhibition program is set up entirely on basis of professional judgment by the Artistic Board at Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art, based on open call or by invitation.
Open Call
Professional artists are welcome to apply when we are accepting submissions. Our Artistic Board is in charge of programming.
When does TSSK accept exhibition proposals?
We accept exhibition proposals every two years. We announce an open call on our webpage, on social media, and in various Norwegian art magazines. Please check back soon or subscribe to our mailing list to stay informed about future calls.
Our Space

Our gallery is situated on the ground floor and has large windows facing Fjordgata street, making our exhibitions highly visible both during the day and at night. The exhibition space is 140 m2 with a height of 5 meters, and 2.43 meters. The inner part has a sliding door into the bookshop / public area.
We have a small black box / project room for film presentation in the basement. On the 1st floor we have a multi-purpose area for meetings, workshops, seminars and lectures.

Photo: Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art
TSSKs Produksjonsstipend
TSSKs Produksjonsstipend lyses ut årlig og tildeles til profesjonelle billedkunstnere og kunsthåndverkere. Stipendmidlene tildeles senteret fra Bildende Kunstneres Hjelpefond (BKH) sin ordning «Delegerte tildelinger» viss formål er å styrke det regionale kunstfeltet i tilknytning til kunstsentrenes virksomhet.
Som kunstnerstyrt visningsrom er Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst opptatt av å støtte opp om arbeidsvilkårene og økonomien til kunstnere med bo og virke i Trøndelag. Midlene fra BKH går uavkortet til stipendutdeling og bidrar i arbeidet senteret gjør for å stimulere og styrke det profesjonelle kunst- og kunstnermiljøet i regionen.
BKH sine retningslinjer ligger til grunn for innstillingene, og er godkjent av styret i TSSK.
Mottakere av TSSKs Produksjonsstipend 2023
Mottakere av TSSKs Produksjonsstipend 2022
Mottakere av TSSKs Produksjonsstipend 2020
Mottakere av TSSKs Produksjonsstipend 2019