Trude Westby Nordmark og Gunhild Vatn:

07. March – 31. March 2019

  • Free entrance
SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 1

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Welcome to the exhibition “Sildre”. In their ceramic sculptures artists Gunhild Vatn and Trude Westby Nordmark explore the contrasts that arise in sensuous beautiful objects and the unpleasant, political and disturbing associations that they evoke.

n Westby Nordmark’s monumental wall installation «Snyltere» (Parasites) we find several hundred small sculptures cast in clay. The small sculptures have thick layers of glaze in several colors, and grow almost organically on the wall. Gunhild Vatn’s installation «Botsøvelser” (Repentance) is a series of white delicate sculptures in porcelain with shapes that look both familiar and have disturbing connotations. The artwork refers to our intellectual and sensory qualities in the relation between man, society and object. The installation can thus be read as a political and socially critical comment, where our collective sense of guilt is challenged by ethical dilemmas, as an individual and as a society.

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 18

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 11 1

Gunhild Vatn

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 6 2

Gunhild Vatn

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 16

Trude Westby Nordmark

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 19 1

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Fv Gunhild Vatn og Trude Westby Nordmark Foto AMS 1

Gunhild Vatn and Trude Westby Nordmark

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Gunhild Vatn 028

Photo: Gunhild Vatn

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 18

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 11 1

Gunhild Vatn

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 6 2

Gunhild Vatn

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 16

Trude Westby Nordmark

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

SILDRE Gunhild Vatn Trude Westby Nordmark 19 1

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Fv Gunhild Vatn og Trude Westby Nordmark Foto AMS 1

Gunhild Vatn and Trude Westby Nordmark

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Gunhild Vatn 028

Photo: Gunhild Vatn

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