Øystein Kjørstad Fjeldbo:
Inter 2

10. November – 19. November 2017

  • Free entrance
Øystein Kjøstad Fjeldbo INTER 2 2017 011

Øystein Kjøstad Fjeldbo. Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Trøndelag Center for Contemporary Art presents INTER 2 by sound artist Øystein Kjørstad Fjeldbo in our Project Room.

In order to create the audio-visual installation, INTER 2, sound artist Øystein Kjørstad Fjeldbo investigated the relationship between his own, subjective self-image and his constructed identity on the internet. He has collected his digital tracks through the last eight years – personal information that is his, but is owned by Google and Facebook.

Understood as a digital diary, our digital identity can be seen as part of a bigger story about our Self: This identity might partly be the result of some words that you wrote in Google’s search engine 10 years ago, words that you might not still remember or wish to acknowledge. However, this version of yourself may very well be truer to who you really are than the version you present to your friends, significant other, colleagues, future children or maybe even to yourself.

How does this confrontation with our digital identity influence our perception of the self? Information about our person, owned by others, is used in commercial circumstances, for example for targeted advertising. This can be seen as a threat to our privacy as well as something that we might be able to benefit from.

INTER 2 is an artwork where Fjeldbo’s objective, digital identity merges with his own, subjective self-image – as if he were a cyborg. Thus, "Inter 2" becomes an independent figure that continuously processes the information that Fjeldbo leaves behind: It presents screen shots of the artist’s Google searches as visual projections in new, geometric forms. The installation processes and disseminates sound from YouTube-films that are recommended to Fjeldbo based on his previous views, as well as text-to-speech renderings of words that he has written into Google’s search engine.

As the audience is invited into a virtual room, INTER 2 becomes aware of their existence and makes use of their physical bodies in order to tell its story.

Øystein Kjørstad Fjeldbo (b. 1991, Oslo) is a sound artist based in Trondheim. He makes music and audio-visual installations where the main focus revolves around our experience of the synthetic and the organic. As a musician, he’s part of the multimedia group Future Daughter. Fjeldbo studies music technology at NTNU, INTER 2 is the conclusion of his Master’s thesis.
Øystein Kjøstad Fjeldbo INTER 2 2017 015 1

Øystein Kjøstad Fjeldbo. Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 2017 TSSK 086

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

20171112 131944

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 117

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 053

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 058

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 066

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

20171112 131944

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 117

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 053

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 058

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

INTER 2 Øystein K Fjeldbo 2017 TSSK 066

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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