utstillingen 2024

24. August – 29. September 2024

  • Free entrance
  • Closed. Opens Wednesday (12PM-5PM)
Webside Middag olje 50x155cm 2024 DETALJ

Ina Marie Winther Åshaug "Middag" (2024), detalj.

Trøndelagsutstillingen offers a unique insight into contemporary trends in the art field. Bringing together a diversity of art practices and expressions in a broad display of Norwegian artists, it is celebrating a cross-section of what our rich art scene in Trøndelag has to offer.

Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (TBK) and Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK) are pleased to welcome you to the opening of the 48th Trøndelagsutstillingen on Saturday, August 24, at 14:00 at the Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art in Trondheim. The artists will be present, and the Exhibition’s three Art Awards will be presented.

The Exhibition will be officially opened by Trondheim's new City Councillor for Culture, Trond Åm (Venstre). NTNU’s Art Prize will be presented by Sara Brinch, Dean of the Faculty of Architecture and Design (AD). The Debutant Prize will be presented by Trøndelag Visual Artists’ new Chair, Mishi Foltyn, and we have invited art critic Line Ulekleiv to present the prestigious Critics' Award of NOK 50,000.

The exhibition offers a unique insight into contemporary trends in the art field. Bringing together a diversity of art practices and expressions in a broad display of Norwegian artists, it is celebrating a cross-section of what our rich art scene in Trøndelag has to offer. First held in 1977, the exhibition has a long tradition that continues to assert its position and relevance 48 years later.

In 2024 a total of 223 artists applied, and the jury selected 25 works by 21 artists.

The artists participating in the Trøndelag Exhibition 2024 are:

Eva Ballo, Eskil Bast, Nirmal Singh Dhunsi, Per Formo, Sara Guldmyr, Dagny Hay, Eirik Moldestad Halvorsen, Ingunn Milly Hansen, Turid Mathiesen Kvålsvoll, Pierre Lionel Matte, Monika Mørck, Therese Myran, Markus Lantto, Tobias Liljedahl, Magnhild Opdøl, Pia Antonsen Rognes, Julie Skarland, Amalie Skarpeid, Siri Skjerve, Sofie Clausager Sørensen, and Ina Marie Winther Åshaug.

This year’s jury consisted of visual artists Shwan Dler Qaradaki (Tegnerforbundet), Daniel Vincent Hansen (TBK), and Line Anda Dalmar (TBK).

Trøndelagsutstillingen is organized by Trøndelag Bildende Kunstnere (TBK) and administered by the Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art (TSSK). Partners, award sponsors, and public contributors include Trøndelag County Municipality, NTNU, Kjøpmannsgata Ung Kunst (K.U.K.), Østerli Kunst & Farge, and Kunstmuseet NordTrøndelag. The Exhibition tour in the Trøndelag region in 2023 and 2024 is made possible with funding from Sparebankstiftelsen SMN.

Bilde og tekst TU katalogen 2024 webside

Trøndelagsutstillingen 2024 vises hos følgende steder:

24. august – 29. september hos Trøndelag senter for samtidskunst i Trondheim.

19. oktober – 16. november hos Kunstmuseet NordTrøndelag i Namsos.

Les mer om Trøndelagsutstillingen

Webside Markus Lantto Livsprosjekt 8

Markus Lantto «Livsprosjekt» 1 – 9 (2021-), fotografi, Svartlamoen.

Webside Eirik Moldestad Halvorsen to nokkeloster

Eirik Moldestad Halvorsen «To nøkkeloster» (2024), oljemaleri på lerret.

Webside Therese Myran Foto Amalie Marie Selvik VERTIKAL

Therese Myran «Hei» (2024), broderi og billakk på formskum, sokkel i tømmer. Foto: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelagsutstillingen

Webside Middag olje 50x155cm 2024

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Webside Middag olje 50x155cm 2024 DETALJ

24.08.2024 – 29.09.2024


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