Trondheim Open welcomes all artists, curators, and art consultants to the Trondheim Open breakfast meeting with a panel discussion on Monday, November 27th at 09:00 at the Trøndelag Center for Contemporary Art!
Morning Program (09:00 AM - 11:45 AM) Free Registration!
Free breakfast at 09:00
Panel conversation at 10:00 - 11:00
Connect with colleagues over a complimentary breakfast. Enjoy hand brewed coffee and a freshly baked cinnamon bun from Jacobsen & Svart.
Trondheim Open and Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art want to explore the crucial relationship between artists and curator / art consultants. The panel conversation is inspired by Lotte Konow Lund's award-winning work Åtte punkter for et vellykket atelierbesøk» (2023) ("Eight points for a successful studio visit").
The conversation will be in English and Norwegian.
Moderator: Carl Martin Faurby (Director at TSSK)
Morning Program finishes 11.45 AM
We hope to see you there!
>>>> Registrer for free via TIKKO <<<<<
Afternoon Program (12:30 PM - 4:30 PM) by invitation.
Trondheim Open has invited local curators and art consultants to go on studio visits with artists in the region. The afternoon program is therefore only for registered and invited participants.
Next year's festival will take place between October 25 and November 3, 2024, and the Trøndelag Center for Contemporary Art (TSSK) is delighted to announce that we are a partner for Trondheim Open 2024. We will serve as the main base for next year's festival, including the Art Market and various events.
Carl Martin Rosenkilde Faurby (TSSK) and Katherine Butcher (Trondheim Open). Photo: Tobias Liljedahl / Trondheim Open
Åpning med kunstnersamtale
Hanne Øverland og Sidsel Palmstrøm
Kunstnersamtale og spikkeverksted
Øystein Pålsønn Lønvik: Gull og tause skoger
Kunstnersamtale med Tobias Liljedahl
How is your project coming along?
Christmas workshop 2024
Tobias Liljedahl: Sjøfartsmuseum
Tidlig start på Kunstmarkedet
Drop-in Workshop: Paper Sculptures with Astrid Ljungberg