Annika Borg:

24. September – 01. November 2020

  • Free entrance
Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 009

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Photo: Susann Jamtøy

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 003

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Photo: Susann Jamtøy

In her exhibition ”punkt.kontinuum” (point.continuum) at Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art the Norwegian conceptual artist Annika Borg presents her lifework “one and one hundred dice rolls a day” – a project that has spanned the course of 25 years. It began in September 1994, while Borg was a student at the art academy, and for the past two and a half decades she has rolled a set of six dices simultaneously, 101 times every day

The dice is a small object that represents coincidence by generating random numbers. This element of chance is combined with a specific set of rules. Borg has, like most conceptual artists in the 1960s, outlined a fixed instruction for how the project is to be carried out: “Every day a set of dices are rolled. Once each morning, followed by one hundred times later the same day. For every dice roll the combination of numbers is written down. Every dice is marked and has its fixed place in the order.” The numerical combinations that unfolds are gathered in a steadily growing archive: one post a day, one bound volume a month, one section of a shelf per year. The exhibition presents what with time has become a large installation of this material.

Through drawing, animation, sculpture and sound, Borg presents different approaches to explore the inherent nature of this unique and random material. With a scientific approach she has dived into the world of numbers and randomness. She has gathered data, made observations, and undergone precise experiences. Through this process she has steadily developed a stronger feeling for and understanding of the uniqueness of her material and what is latent in it. At the same time her method also resembles an extended performance in which dedication, ritual, and duration come into play. The fascination for the project and numbers are connected to time and a commitment to art – because it provides meaning, if not in the form of language then in the shape of experience.

Annika Borg (b. 1964, Stockholm) is a visual artist based in Trondheim. She graduated from Trondheim Academy of Fine Art in 1996. Throughout the last three decades she has participated in several group exhibitions and her work is included in public art collections. Trondheim Kunstmuseum presented her solo exhibition “Circle Incidents” in 2012. Borg has played an active role in the local arts community through numerous positions and was a founding member of the artist run space trans-art (2000–2003). She has received multiple public art commissions in educational buildings as well as an outdoor project in Ravelsveita in the centre of Trondheim. In 2016–2018 Borg was a resident at Tempe studios in Trondheim. In the Spring of 2020 TSSK presents her “punkt.kontinuum” (point.continuum) as a celebration of the project’s 25th anniversary.

The exhibition is part of Meta.Morf X – Digital Wild | Chapter II – The sixth Trondheim International Biennale for Art & Technology, September 18 – November 1, 2020

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 010

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Photo: Susann Jamtøy

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 012

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Foto: Susann Jamtøy

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 011

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Foto: Susann Jamtøy

«Den siste tiden har Borg blitt mer opptatt av å få frem håndverket ved prosjektet sitt. Hør henne fortelle mer om det her:»

Artscene Trondheim
Annika Borg og Tina Jonsbu017

Samtalen mellom Annika Borg og Tina Jonsbu under Trondheim Open 2020.

Kunstnersamtale mellom Annika Borg og Tina Jonsbu fant sted i Annika Borgs utstilling «punkt.kontinuum» søndag 01.11.2020, og ble live streamet. Se videoopptaket her.
Video/Audio: Kristoffer Hylland Skogheim / Trondheim Open 2020

Video/Audio: Kristoffer Hylland Skogheim / Trondheim Open 2020

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 010

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Photo: Susann Jamtøy

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 012

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Foto: Susann Jamtøy

Annika Borg Foto Susann Jamtøy 011

Annika Borg "punkt.kontinuum". Foto: Susann Jamtøy

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