We invite you to an artist talk with Tobias Liljedahl on Thursday, December 12, from 10:00 to 11:00 AM.
In conversation with Carl Martin Rosenkilde Faurby, Liljedahl will share insights about his exhibition and the project he has been working on since 2021.
Light refreshments will be served.
The event is free and open to all interested.
Åpning med kunstnersamtale
Hanne Øverland og Sidsel Palmstrøm
Kunstnersamtale og spikkeverksted
Øystein Pålsønn Lønvik: Gull og tause skoger
Kunstnersamtale med Tobias Liljedahl
How is your project coming along?
Christmas workshop 2024
Tobias Liljedahl: Sjøfartsmuseum
Tidlig start på Kunstmarkedet
Drop-in Workshop: Paper Sculptures with Astrid Ljungberg