Ingrid Lønningdal:
Grooves and Ridges

16. August – 10. September 2017

  • Free entrance
Ingrid Lønningdal Foto TSSK Susann Jamtøy001

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal works within a broad spectrum of techniques in her artistic practice, which are often set in architectural and urban developments.

In her practice as a visual artist, Ingrid Lønningdal seeks to provide an understanding of the spaces we inhabit, often by using architecture as a starting material. Her projects deal with how we relate to our surroundings, and she is keenly interested in spatiality and colour, urban renewal and architecture. The works are materialised trough painting, drawing, photography, text, and textile.

At Trøndelag Centre for Contemporarty Art Lønningdal presents textiles made of jute and silicate paint, inspired by the modernist architect Herman Krag who designed the office building where the gallery is located today.

In many of Lønningdal’s works, she conducts close studies of buildings, very often low status buildings such as factories and production facilities. These buildings carry some of the most iconic markers of prestigious modernist architecture: modularity and prefabrication. She has also been interested in mid-century modern architecture, such as that found in California, as well as highly esteemed post-war architecture in Norwegian cities. Her work highlights themes such as what kind of ideologies the buildings manifest, the ‘commodification of the unique’ stemming from modernism, degrees of accessibility, and connections between architecture and art.

Ingrid Lønningdal lives and works in Oslo with a degree from the Oslo National Academy of Arts.

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 020

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 061 1

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 064

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 080

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 114

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

IMG 1900 1

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

IMG 1895

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art


Text: Nina Berre
Anne Szefer Karlsen
Ingrid Lønningdal
Tord Sandholt/StudioGeist


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal


Photo: Ingrid Lønningdal

Ingrid Lønningdal Foto TSSK Susann Jamtøy019

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Foto TSSK Susann Jamtøy009

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Foto TSSK Susann Jamtøy008

Photo: Susann Jamtøy / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 061 1

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 064

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 080

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 078

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 097 1

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

Ingrid Lønningdal Grooves and Ridges 114

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

IMG 1900 1

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

IMG 1895

Photo: Amalie Marie Selvik / Trøndelag Centre for Contemporary Art

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